You’ve probably heard about how important it is to have money saved more times than you can count by now. And we bet you’re still struggli…
MacKenzie Bezos is on Her Way to Become World’s Richest Woman–Will She Get There?
Divorce is an awful thing to have to go through. But it does have some upsides to it, especially if your name is MacKenzie Bezos. In one of the most h…
Warren Buffett Made a Bet that Saved this Industrial Giant During a Financial Crisis
Warren Buffett has had a long and impressive career as one of the greatest and most successful investors that have ever lived. Time and again, he’s im…
Jeff Bezos Could’ve Been Unbeatable as World’s Richest Man if Not for this One Decision
Although Forbes’ real-time ranking of the richest people in the world is constantly changing, you’ll notice that only a couple of names interchange in…
The Coronavirus Has Created a Massive Diamond Surplus Worth Billions of Dollars
Aside from their beauty, what makes diamonds desirable is their perceived rarity. And with less of them to go around compared to the people who want t…